Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Process Of Reading

There are some interesting beliefs in the book Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. The reading process has become easier to comprehend after each chapter because of the topics that are discussed. I can relate to some of the subject-matters that are talked about, such as, abortion, cheating, parenting, etc.


Some reading strategies that I have employed are annotating while reading so I won't get an inadequate comprehension of the reading. I annotate specific parts of the reading that I might relate to, words that can expand my vocabulary, and different paragraphs that will be of great discussion amongst my colleagues. Ultimately, annotating will help both me and my colleagues in the future and some might have similar annotations.

One piece of advice that I will tell somebody that is interested in this book is to be open and try reading it from a different point of view. I will advise the person to keep reading after the first chapter because it starts of boring in my opinion. Keeping up with the reading schedule isn't hard if you just manage your time wisely. I didn’t have a set amount of pages I was going to read, but when I wasn't at Year Up, work, or at the gym; I was reading.

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