Monday, June 18, 2012

Life of a Work-a-holic

I have had multiple jobs, however, if I had to choose based on the job and its pay rate; I would say working security surpasses my previous jobs. The pay is quite lucrative compared to customer service jobs. Some primary responsibilities are the following:
  •  Crowd Control
  • ID and Security Check Points
  • Consulting
  • Overnight Security
  • Property Protection
  • Metal Detectors
  • Wristbands 

The perks and connections made the job enjoyable. I meet so many people during security, so it makes networking become easy. Just interacting with different people and making those connections are interesting. For example, I met this individual that attended Year Up a few years ago and had a great conversation about his/her experience in the program. One perk that I greatly appreciate is receiving free food and having the healthy choice because I am conscious about what my body intakes.

Some skills that will translate well over to my internship will be networking and completing task on the fly. I chose these skills because you have to be ready at all times and most of the times nowadays; it’s about who you know and not what you know.

I learned that I should be professional at all times, so the business and I will be portrayed in a positive light. Another lesson I took away from my job is to be punctual and prepared because it can be fast-paced at times; you will have to be able to hold your own (protect yourself). One thing that I learned about myself working security is that I learned at young age how to protect myself and that I have great people skills. Customers really compliment me on how I am able to hold a conversation and it helps while expanding my network.

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