Monday, April 2, 2012


How many times have you seen an advertisement and you start to think critically about it? Sometimes? All the time?

Well I have seen many advertisements that made me look twice this particular advertisement caught my eye.

This advertisement catches my eye because it is very political. The ad has very patriotic look to it similar to Barack Obama campaign. Both the democratic and republic looks as if they are joining forces, which leads me to believe it may be a positive step into the future. By looking at this billboard, I wonder why the statue of liberty has a bandanna over its face, but at the same time shows equality while hold the balance scale.

Ultimately, this is the type of ad i like to see because it is interesting. Observing this piece of propaganda makes me think critically because of the deeper meaning behind the ad.

  There are many ads that perceive to be what they are not. For example the McDonald's ad (above) portrays that the food at the restaurant is healthy when in fact it is not. McDonald's uses process foods to make their meals and has the possibility of making a person feel ill a few moments after it is consumed. This subliminal ad effects children and gives a good first impression but can hurt customers in the future.

A popular movie by the name of "Super-size Me" makes viewers aware of the consequences that McDonald's food can do to you. It's different  when people just talk about it, but a man took action and put his life on the line to eat McDonald's for a month straight. His health dropped tremendously to having high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

1 comment:

  1. I like the KONY picture that you inserted, definitely is an attention grabber. Keep up the good work man.
