Monday, April 16, 2012

Me and My Neighborhood

Does your neighborhood make you who you are? Are you who you are in spite of your neighborhood?

I am a product of my neighborhood and I feel that Oakland has been a big part of the man that I am today. Everyone has choices in life and decisions they make that comes with a certain consequences. Growing up in my neighborhood was hard and made me aware of different activities at a young age. Their were drugs, violence, and other provocative activities that occurred. While being exposed to those activities, I have learned alot and helped me have more knowledge when basically, walking down a street.

There are beautiful parts of Oakland as well that people don't see, even people that are Oakland natives. Due to the gentrification in Oakland, only the upper class citizens tend be residents in those areas. The most popular areas in Oakland that best describes gentrification in Oakland are Rockridge, Oakland Hills, Piedmont.There are obstacles you overcome growing up, but some neighborhoods have more or less than others based on their social and economic statuses.

I knew numerous of people who have taken different routes because of the neighborhood. Now that I look back on how I grew up, I feel proud that I made it out of my neighborhood alive.